Larry Jordan

Everyone is related, and everything is connected.

Spiritual, but Not Religious

Aug 05, 2022 by Larry Jordan, in The Way
Almost one-quarter of Americans describe themselves as “spiritual but not religious.”  After a long and painful (but worthwhile) journey, this is where I find myself.

I know people that are “religious but not spiritual,” who assume that 'religion' is disciplined and substantial and that 'spirituality' is superficial and undisciplined.

Religion is a means to an end, which helps us to become more spiritual, not an end in itself. To me, there is no point in becoming more religious, if we are not becoming more spiritual.

My journey was not superficial or undisciplined, and I learned more about Christianity than I learned in 12 years of Catholic education and 50 years of Catholic living.

When I left Catholicism, I made a life-changing commitment to place God and others at the center of my life, and I am surely a better person, a better Christian, a better husband, and a better father.

I am probably not a better Catholic, if that requires believing that the pope is infallible and that contraception is evil and that gay people are disordered, but conscience dictates. (Catholic theology recognizes the primacy of individual conscience over church authority, after all.)

There is nothing superficial or undisciplined about authentic spirituality, and there is nothing disciplined or substantial about religion, if it does not radically transform us.