Larry Jordan

Everyone is related, and everything is connected.

I'm Awake! Now What? podcast (09/15/2024)

Sep 15, 2024 by Larry Jordan, in The Way

I appeared on the I'm Awake! Now What? podcast with Krista Xiomara. I have been interviewed by several engaging and insightful podcasters, and Krista is certainly one of the best. 

I described my journey, leading to a realization of the oneness and interconnectedness of all things. We discussed my experiences with different religions and spiritual practices, including Christianity, Buddhism, and Hinduism. I emphasized the importance of questioning beliefs and embracing the idea of oneness, rather than othering people based on their beliefs. I also explained the role of service in opening my eyes to the shared humanity of all individuals.

Krista is a seeker herself, and she understands that everyone is related, and everything is connected. "Once you see it, you can't unsee it!" she says.

Here is the link to Krista's YouTube channel:

I'm Awake! Now What? podcast