Larry Jordan

Everyone is related, and everything is connected.

How Do You Know?

Jan 15, 2024 by Larry Jordan

We do not "know" as much as we think that we know, so there are a few questions that I ask myself to clarify the difference between believing something and knowing something.

"I'm Not 'out' with My Doubt."

Jan 08, 2024 by Larry Jordan

Since I wrote a book about asking questions, I'm meeting a lot of people who are asking questions. Many of them tell me, "I'm not 'out' with my doubt."

If Not Christian Theism, Then What?

Jan 01, 2024 by Larry Jordan

Sometimes, readers will ask me, "If you don't believe in a Supreme Being who creates the Universe and manages human affairs, then what do you believe?"

Is Christian Theism Dead?

Dec 14, 2023 by Larry Jordan

Jim Palmer, a friend and mentor who wrote the foreword to my book, recently posted a podcast episode called, "Is Christian Theism Dead?" for the Center for Non-Religious Spirituality.

Awe, Gratitude, Reverence, and a Sense of Responsibility

Dec 03, 2023 by Larry Jordan

We believe different things for different reasons. Sometimes, our beliefs are rational or sensible. Sometimes, our beliefs are borne of experience. Sometimes, our beliefs are due to fear or insecurity. Some people believe things because it feels more comfortable to believe them.

The Seventh Principle

Nov 09, 2023 by Larry Jordan

Last month, the local Unitarian Universalist church asked me to speak about the seventh principle, "Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part," since the principle so closely matches my one-line creed that "Everyone is related, and everything is connected."

A Minister, a Rabbi, and a Zen Teacher Walk into a Bookstore

Sep 10, 2023 by Larry Jordan

A minister, a rabbi, and a Zen teacher walk into a bookstore. If this is the setup for a corny joke, then the punchline is that they all like the same book.

The Joe Shlabotnik of Spiritual Writing

Sep 06, 2023 by Larry Jordan

Joe Shlabotnik was Charlie Brown's favorite major league baseball player. Joe's unfortunate claim to fame was making spectacular catches of routine fly balls.

Less Than I Expected

Sep 05, 2023 by Larry Jordan

Recently, I posted about the joys of writing. The post was heartfelt and true, and it best reflects my feelings about writing, but it was not the whole story. There are some frustrations of writing, too.

More Than I Expected

Aug 29, 2023 by Larry Jordan

My adult children encouraged me to write The Way, and the book was modeled after an “ethical will” in the Jewish tradition. An ethical will is NOT an autobiography. Instead, it is an expression of one’s experiences, life lessons, and values.

Everyone is Agnostic

Jul 12, 2023 by Larry Jordan

Everyone is agnostic, but not everyone admits it. Sometimes, we confuse firmly-held beliefs with well-documented facts, but beliefs are not facts.

Practice is Underrated

Jun 24, 2023 by Larry Jordan
Many Christians assume that belief is the most important feature of religion and that belief influences community and practice. In fact, many people who abandon Christian beliefs (which may seem speculative or supernatural to them) also abandon community and practice.

Community is Misplaced

Jun 21, 2023 by Larry Jordan

Many Christians assume that belief is the most important feature of religion, since belief is such an important feature of Christianity. However, in most religions, orthopraxy or right action is more important than orthodoxy or right belief. Community and practice are two aspects of orthopraxy.

Belief is Overrated

Jun 15, 2023 by Larry Jordan

All theology is speculation, and when we realize that there are almost 50,000 Christian denominations and that all of them have changed a lot in 2,000 years, we see how absurd it is to claim that any denomination, no matter how large or how old, contains "Truth with a capital T." 

Belief, Community, and Practice

Jun 02, 2023 by Larry Jordan

In a few weeks, I will be speaking on "Belief, Community, and Practice" at our local Unitarian Universalist church. Since 2000, there has been a precipitous decline in church attendance, aggravated by the pandemic. Today, 60% of American never or seldom attend a religious service.

A Kernel of Truth

May 24, 2023 by Larry Jordan

One of the unexpected joys of writing a book is participating in some interesting conversations surrounding the book -- at author talks, in book clubs, and online. Yesterday, I had an online chat about organized religion with a Facebook friend in Africa who is reading my book.

"Cut Your Life in Half"

May 16, 2023 by Larry Jordan
This week, I participated in a recorded Zoom call with Jim Palmer for members of the Center for Non-Religious Spirituality community. Both of us are talkers, so the conversation ranged far and wide. Somehow, we kept returning to the theme of minimalism, living a natural life in the real world.

Natural Life and True Self

Apr 30, 2023 by Larry Jordan
Many seekers believe that self is a construct, soul is a fiction, and free will is an illusion. As Thomas Merton says, "We all live lives of self-impersonation." For Hindus, True Self is Brahman or Oneness, lack of separation. For Buddhists, True Self is "no-self" or Void, lack of separation.

Crestone, Colorado

Apr 12, 2023 by Larry Jordan
In 2017, we walked the Camino de Crestone, an interspiritual pilgimage in Crestone, Colorado, where we visited many spiritual centers, representing several of the world's great traditions. While there, we engaged in discussions, listened to lectures, and participated in ceremonies.  

Religion and Spirituality

Mar 23, 2023 by Larry Jordan
For purposes of this post, "religion" is a specific set of organized beliefs and practices, usually shared by a community or group, and "spirituality" is more of an individual practice, involving a search for connection, peace, and purpose. (Of course, these definitions are not mutually-exclusive.)