Travel" Ecuador "Thanks for Traveling with Us."
Jul 21, 2022 by Larry Jordan
If I learned anything in my life, it's that everyone is related and everything is connected. If I know that and live it, then I don't really need to know anything else.
Travel: Ecuador "Yes. Both... and. Like Life."
Jul 21, 2022 by Larry Jordan
Sure, my posts have been contradictory: Are we feeling joy or enduring suffering? Are we holding on or losing control? Are we in danger or are we secure? Are we sick or are we well?
Travel: Ecuador "Through the Glass Darkly"
Jul 21, 2022 by Larry Jordan
When we travel abroad, we see clean clothes, manicured lawns, and modern buildings, and we think, "Small world. Looks just like home." But, the clothes may be washed in the river, the lawns may be cut with machetes, and the buildings may be empty shells.
Travel: Ecuador "Love in the Time of COVID"
Jul 18, 2022 by Larry Jordan
Jill was diagnosed with COVID before we were meant to board our flight home. The hotel was full, so we shared a room, but we distanced and masked, even as we slept. Then, for five days, we stayed in separate rooms.
Travel: Ecuador "An Uncurated Trip"
Jul 18, 2022 by Larry Jordan
Until we reached Guayaquil, our trip was curated by a guide who handled things and controlled our experience. Once the guide dropped us at the hotel, we curated our own experience.
Travel: Ecuador "Be Careful Out There"
Jul 18, 2022 by Larry Jordan
In 2022, we went to the Galapagos Islands with Lindblad Expeditions/National Geographic. This was supposed to be the safest trip in the world. After all, we were at sea, avoiding people and observing wildlife. We postponed the trip for three years, until COVID abated.
Travel: Ghana "What is the Problem?"
Jul 18, 2022 by Larry Jordan
Ten years ago, we were teaching school in Ghana. Jill got an infection from a bug bite, she became feverish, and her arm swelled to twice its normal size.
Travel: Ghana "Now That You Know, What Will You Do?"
Jul 18, 2022 by Larry Jordan
When we volunteered in Ghana, In Ghana, we heard presentations from a variety of experts on subjects such as child labor, education, and health care. The presentations always ended with questions and answers.
Travel: Ghana "We All Live Under the Same Sky"
Jul 18, 2022 by Larry Jordan
Ten years ago, we volunteered in Hohoe, Ghana with other volunteers from Australia, Germany, Hungary, Jamaica, Japan, Korea, and Scotland, as well as several states. I will never forget the local people that we met or the other volunteers who served with us.
Income Taxes Part VII: Volunteer Recognition
Jul 18, 2022 by Larry Jordan
The other day, I stumbled across some comments that I made at a dinner for people who volunteered doing taxes. I had not thought about the dinner for years, and I was struck by how prophetic my comments were.
Income Taxes Part VI: Personal Reflections
Jul 18, 2022 by Larry Jordan
Today, I conclude my posts on poverty with some personal reflections.
Income Taxes Part V: Welfare
Jul 18, 2022 by Larry Jordan
The Cato Institute produced a report that calculated the total value of welfare benefits, concluding that “...Welfare currently pays more than a minimum wage job in 35 states.” Really?
Income Taxes Part IV: Obamacare
Jul 18, 2022 by Larry Jordan
Several years ago, I wrote a post describing how taxes are complicated, and one of my examples was the Affordable Care Act (ACA) or Obamacare. Since the penalty for not having health insurance was removed, Obamacare has become much simpler.
Income Taxes Part III: Medicaid
Jul 18, 2022 by Larry Jordan
I used to think that my tax situation was “typical.” I filed married filing jointly, with two incomes and two kids. My employer provided health insurance and a 401k plan and withheld for income taxes, Medicare, and social security. There is nothing “typical” about that.
Income Taxes Part II: Immigrants
Jul 18, 2022 by Larry Jordan
I spent most of my career funding infrastructure projects in South Texas, including international bridges, private prisons, and public schools, so I understand the challenges along the border.
Income Taxes Part I: Introduction
Jul 18, 2022 by Larry Jordan
For the last ten years, I volunteered for AARP and VITA, providing income tax assistance to low- and moderate-income people. I filed over 1,000 tax returns.