Larry Jordan

Everyone is related, and everything is connected.

The Way

The Way: Meaningful Spirituality for a Modern World

Aug 06, 2022 by Larry Jordan
I just completed a 50,000-word manuscript called "The Way: Meaningful Spirituality for a Modern World."  

"Turn Out the Light, So We Can See!"

Oct 10, 2024 by Larry Jordan

Every year, we “unplug” for a month in the spring and a month in the fall. Our unplugged life is more essential, joyful, meaningful, and natural.

The Way of Life, Not Just the Way of Belief

Oct 04, 2024 by Larry Jordan

The Way, common to many religions, is a way of life, grounded in the Golden Rule, not a way of belief.

The Dismantling Doctrine podcast (09/29/2024)

Oct 01, 2024 by Larry Jordan

I appeared on The Dismantling Doctrine podcast with Clint Heacock. 

The Spiritual Brewpub podcast (09/20/2024)

Sep 20, 2024 by Larry Jordan

I appeared on The Spiritual Brewpub podcast with Michael Camp.

What if Seeking Truth Means Letting Go of Beliefs?

Sep 19, 2024 by Larry Jordan

Our spiritual practice should focus on our interrelatedness.

I'm Awake! Now What? podcast (09/15/2024)

Sep 15, 2024 by Larry Jordan

I appeared on the I'm Awake! Now What? podcast with Krista Xiomara.

Liminal Living podcast (07/27/2024)

Aug 17, 2024 by Larry Jordan

I appeared on the Liminal Living podcast with Tom Rundel, a contemplative pastor and podcaster.

How Are We to Treat Others?

Aug 01, 2024 by Larry Jordan

Ramana Maharshi, a Hindu mystic, had the following exchange with a student:  “Q: How are we to treat others?  A: There are no others.”

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Natural Intelligence

Jun 14, 2024 by Larry Jordan

Artificial intelligence (AI) is changing the way that we live and work. Increasingly, AI presents challenging questions about the nature of humanity and about the nature of the Universe itself.

Visions: Hallucinations or Transcendent Experiences?

Jun 07, 2024 by Larry Jordan

Are visions hallucinations or transcendent experiences? Biologist J.B.S. Haldane said, “The Universe is not only queerer than we suppose, but queerer than we can suppose.”

Do We Honor Ultimate Reality in Other Traditions?

May 31, 2024 by Larry Jordan

Do we honor Ultimate Reality in other traditions?

Creation: Mythology, Religion, And Science

May 16, 2024 by Larry Jordan

Creation myths can illustrate the intersection of mythology, religion, and science. Do we interpret ancient religious texts as history or mythology?

The Journey is the Destination

May 09, 2024 by Larry Jordan

The journey is the destination. Zen is more of a philosophy than a religion. It is more experiential than intellectual.

Ultimate Reality Permeates Everyday Reality

May 01, 2024 by Larry Jordan

Ultimate Reality is not far removed from everyday reality. In fact, Ultimate Reality permeates everyday reality.

Ultimate Reality: Consciousness, Energy, and Love

Apr 25, 2024 by Larry Jordan

Today, fewer people imagine Ultimate Reality in purely personal terms or in purely supernatural terms. Increasingly, Ultimate Reality is imagined in impersonal, natural terms, such as consciousness, energy or love.

Ultimate Reality: Brahman, God, the Universe and the Void

Apr 18, 2024 by Larry Jordan

Ultimate Reality has many names: Brahman in Hinduism, God in Christianity, the Universe in humanism and the Void in Buddhism.

What Do We Know about Ultimate Reality?

Apr 11, 2024 by Larry Jordan

We know one thing about Ultimate Reality, namely that everyone is related, and everything is connected. 

Harmonic Atheist podcast (4/9/2024)

Apr 09, 2024 by Larry Jordan

Last week, I was a guest on the Harmonic Atheist podcast, hosted by my friend, Tim Mills.

Why Do We Believe What We Believe?

Apr 04, 2024 by Larry Jordan

Sometimes, we believe things because they are comfortable, not because they are sensible.