The Way
Creation: Mythology, Religion, And Science
Creation myths can illustrate the intersection of mythology, religion, and science. Do we interpret ancient religious texts as history or mythology?
The Journey is the Destination
The journey is the destination. Zen is more of a philosophy than a religion. It is more experiential than intellectual.
Ultimate Reality Permeates Everyday Reality
Ultimate Reality is not far removed from everyday reality. In fact, Ultimate Reality permeates everyday reality.
Ultimate Reality: Consciousness, Energy, and Love
Today, fewer people imagine Ultimate Reality in purely personal terms or in purely supernatural terms. Increasingly, Ultimate Reality is imagined in impersonal, natural terms, such as consciousness, energy or love.
Ultimate Reality: Brahman, God, the Universe and the Void
Ultimate Reality has many names: Brahman in Hinduism, God in Christianity, the Universe in humanism and the Void in Buddhism.
What Do We Know about Ultimate Reality?
We know one thing about Ultimate Reality, namely that everyone is related, and everything is connected.
Harmonic Atheist podcast (4/9/2024)
Last week, I was a guest on the Harmonic Atheist podcast, hosted by my friend, Tim Mills.
Why Do We Believe What We Believe?
Sometimes, we believe things because they are comfortable, not because they are sensible.
Is Free Will an Illusion?
Surely, it seems like we have free will, but is free will an illusion?
War Machine podcast (3/12/2024)
Last month, I was a guest on the War Machine podcast, a place for "theological nomads." This is one of my favorite podcasts, hosted by my friend, Matt Baker.
The Desert Sanctuary podcast (10/7/2023)
Last fall, I was a guest on The Desert Sanctuary podcast, hosted by my friends, Karl and Laura Forehand. Karl and Laura are a former pastor and pastor's wife, who authored several books. They are truth-tellers who have been helpful and inspirational to me.
No Self? No Soul? No Worries.
In the Eastern worldview, there are some people who believe that self is a construct, and soul is a fiction. These are some of the most challenging and interesting ideas that we will encounter in our journeys.
Are We Separate From God and From Each Other?
Many religions, particularly Eastern religions such as Buddhism, Hinduism, and Taoism, embrace nonduality. Christianity, too, has been interpreted in nondual terms.
All Religion is Cultural. All Theology is Speculation.
There are many paths to the top of the mountain and many ways of looking at things.
Spiritual Reading List
This list appears as an appendix, "Suggestions for Further Reading," in my book, The Way: Meaningful Spirituality for a Modern World.
Why I Always Say, "You Might Be Right."
“You might be right” emerged as an unscripted theme during my first author talk in Crestone, Colorado. This disarming phrase has become one of my catchphrases.
Welcome to "You Might Be Right: An Interspiritual Journey"
Welcome to “You Might Be Right: An Interspiritual Journey,” my column on Patheos!! Thanks for joining me on an interspiritual journey and for reading my column.
Awe, Gratitude, Reverence, and a Sense of Responsibility
We believe different things for different reasons. Sometimes, our beliefs are rational or sensible. Sometimes, our beliefs are borne of experience. Sometimes, our beliefs are due to fear or insecurity. Some people believe things because it feels more comfortable to believe them.
The Seventh Principle
Last month, the local Unitarian Universalist church asked me to speak about the seventh principle, "Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part," since the principle so closely matches my one-line creed that "Everyone is related, and everything is connected."
A Minister, a Rabbi, and a Zen Teacher Walk into a Bookstore
A minister, a rabbi, and a Zen teacher walk into a bookstore. If this is the setup for a corny joke, then the punchline is that they all like the same book.